Resources & Insights

Partnership catches unexpected break

Sometimes the IRS gives you a second chance. That was the case in a private letter ruling the IRS issued to an unnamed partnership. But remember that private letter rulings cannot be cited as authority for anyone other than the taxpayer to whom it...

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Lending to employer? Check your motive

Shareholders or employees of a corporation often lend it funds - expecting to be repaid. If the loan does not get repaid, a bad debt deduction can be claimed. However, the tax treatment is different for "business" bad debts and "nonbusiness" bad...

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Tax Court didn’t inhale

An obscure provision of the income tax law denies all business deductions to anyone whose business involves trafficking in a controlled substance.  Few people agree that it would be good public policy to allow drug dealers a tax deduction for...

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Recent headlines have highlighted the names of wealthy individuals who have given up their U.S. citizenship, ostensibly to save taxes. Remember Eduardo Saverin, the Facebook founder who renounced his U.S. citizenship on the eve of Facebook's now...

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An Oregon woman has been charged with tax fraud. How did she allegedly do it? She bought herself a home-use tax preparation program. She prepared and electronically filed an Oregon state income tax return erroneously showing $3 million of income...

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Contact APEX

For more detailed Arizona tax payment instructions or support on your taxes, please reach out to our Tax Team or call us at 623.250.6544.