Resources & Insights
Attorneys: Set aside time to do your billing
Time-keeping and billing can be the bane of an attorney’s existence. But even worse is having to work an additional 10 or 20 hours because a client failed to pay his bill. Faster billing means faster and larger collection of professional fees....
Do panicky clients cause weekend worries?
Attorneys often suffer from “panicky client syndrome.” The client panics, the lawyer works double-time, and the client complains about the bill. Many clients, especially difficult ones, use Friday afternoons to pawn their legal worries off onto...
Challenges of property valuation in a depressed market
It’s no secret that property values throughout the nation have been depressed in recent years. Declining real estate values bring interesting problems to the valuation process because we haven’t experienced them in our recent past. Property tax...
Tax Court rules on change of accounting method
The Tax Court has ruled that a company could not modify the purchase price allocations it had agreed to in connection with two asset acquisitions. In the case of Peco Foods Inc., et al. v. Commissioner (TC Memo 2012-18, Jan. 17, 2012),...
Tax Court: What to avoid with an FLP
A recent Tax Court decision presents a how-to list of steps to avoid when using a family limited partnership (FLP). Here is what happened. In 1984, Dr. Paul Liljestrand transferred various real estate assets to a revocable trust, and his son Robert...
How discounted cash flow works
Discounted cash flow is a widely used income approach method of valuation. What does it mean to discount? A discount is a deduction made to a sales price or value. With that being said, how is a deduction to value a valuation method? Here’s a brief...
Clean up hidden liabilities before selling your business
You are ready to put out feelers for selling your company. Perhaps you have contacted your CPA to have some preliminary due diligence begun. As you prepare to finalize your asking price, issues arise that you hadn’t planned on. Hidden liabilities –...
Changes in valuation techniques will affect business owners
Business valuation can seem to be as simple as a multiple paid against your last year’s earnings. But the truth is, valuation is an ever-evolving field, and recent advances continue to affect how valuations are performed. The goals are still to...
Do you have a strategy for collecting your fees?
They call you in a panic. They need your advice right away. You drop everything and work hard to get them the information, documents or whatever they need. Then they sit on your invoice for months. Hopefully, this scenario represents only a small...
How a CPA expert can help in fraud cases
Retaining an experienced CPA with litigation and forensic experience during the litigation process will increase the chances of success in a fraud or embezzlement case. Fraud cases demand using professionals who have knowledge of the evidentiary...
Don’t lose goodwill during a company sale
While retirement has been delayed for many Baby Boomers, the time will be coming soon. For many, that will mean selling the business that has been their family’s bread-and-butter for decades. Much of your business’s value comes from your existing...
Court focuses on noncompete agreement
A ruling has been upheld by the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit that a covenant not to compete entered into in connection with a stock redemption was an amortizable intangible under Internal Revenue Code §197. Recovery Group, Inc., was an S...
Contact APEX
For more detailed Arizona tax payment instructions or support on your taxes, please reach out to our Tax Team or call us at 623.250.6544.