Resources & Insights

Tax Court: What to avoid with an FLP

A recent Tax Court decision presents a how-to list of steps to avoid when using a family limited partnership (FLP). Here is what happened. In 1984, Dr. Paul Liljestrand transferred various real estate assets to a revocable trust, and his son Robert...

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How discounted cash flow works

Discounted cash flow is a widely used income approach method of valuation. What does it mean to discount? A discount is a deduction made to a sales price or value. With that being said, how is a deduction to value a valuation method? Here’s a brief...

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Court focuses on noncompete agreement

A ruling has been upheld by the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit that a covenant not to compete entered into in connection with a stock redemption was an amortizable intangible under Internal Revenue Code §197. Recovery Group, Inc., was an S...

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The income approach: How it differs

When you buy a new car, what exactly are you purchasing? You are buying a tangible asset, a method of transportation and often a symbol of taste and stature. When someone buys a company or an interest in a company, what are they purchasing? Not...

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Contact APEX

For more detailed Arizona tax payment instructions or support on your taxes, please reach out to our Tax Team or call us at 623.250.6544.