Resources & Insights
Mileage rates increased mid-year
The IRS has announced that the optional mileage allowance for owned or leased autos (including vans, pickups or panel trucks) will increase from 51 cents to 55.5 cents per mile for business travel. The increase took effect on July 1, 2011. The...
June wedding? Tax tips for newlyweds
While June may be the traditional month for weddings, the IRS offers a number of tax tips for newlyweds at any time of the year. Among those tax-related changes that newlyweds should think about now are notifications of change of name and address,...
Is your favorite charity still a nonprofit entity?
Most tax-exempt organizations are required to file an annual return or notice, a requirement that is important to people claiming a tax deduction for charitable giving. The IRS automatically revokes the exemption of any organization that fails to...
‘Cat lady’ denied deductions by court
It seems as if every neighborhood has a "cat lady." And now the Tax Court has Jan Van Dusen. Van Dusen is an attorney who cares for cats in her private residence. She volunteers for a qualified charitable organization called Fix Our Ferals. Van...
IRS proposes rules for new markets tax credits
The IRS has issued proposed regulations that should allow more investments in non-real estate businesses located in low-income communities to qualify for a new markets tax credit. Through 2009, the new markets tax credit (NMTC) has helped...
How bonus depreciation works
If your business claimed bonus depreciation on machinery or equipment in a previous year and then trades it in for an upgrade during 2011, you may qualify for bonus depreciation on the remaining depreciable basis in the old assets. The...
Day camp counts for child care credit
Are you looking for a tax break for the busy summer? Many working parents must arrange for care of their children under 13 years of age during the school vacation period. A popular solution – with a tax benefit – is a day camp program. The cost of...
IRS issues guidance on filing late election
If you are a real estate professional who wants to treat all your real estate interests as one activity, you may now make a late election under new guidance. The passive activity loss disallowance rules apply to any trade or business in which you...
Court rules on ‘temporary’ living arrangement
A recent decision by the United States Tax Court addresses an issue faced by many two-income couples in this difficult job market. Thomas and Janice Scroggins lived in Georgia. Thomas provided highly specialized consulting services to hospitals....
IRS warns about disclosure outside program
The United States Department of Justice has announced that it has reached a plea agreement in a criminal charge against a bank director who voluntarily disclosed hidden offshore income without taking advantage of the IRS's Offshore Voluntary...
Changes coming to unemployment tax?
Absent congressional action, employers will face a tax dilemma beginning July 1, 2011. The "temporary" 0.2 percent federal unemployment tax (FUTA) surtax is scheduled to expire June 30, 2011. The surtax is part of the 6.2 percent gross unemployment...
Withholding requirement delayed one year
Both government agencies and government contractors will need to prepare for the effects of new withholding rules. Tax law contains a provision that requires the federal government and every state and local government making payments for goods or...
Contact APEX
For more detailed Arizona tax payment instructions or support on your taxes, please reach out to our Tax Team or call us at 623.250.6544.