Resources & Insights
Parents' involvement in their children's activities is usually good. But they shouldn't expect the IRS to consider it a legitimate part of their business. Many parents support their children by attending concerts, plays, sporting events and other...
A recent ruling deals with a married couple who became victims of a Ponzi scheme by investing with a fund manager - not directly with the perpetrator of the fraud. The IRS ruled in 2009 that investors who lost money in Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme...
Now that you have filed your tax return, and before you put away your tax files for another year, it's a good idea to check your withholding for 2012 - especially if you expect a large refund or owe a lot of tax. Neither getting a big tax refund...
A few extra days to make 2011 IRA decisions
With the tax return deadline rapidly approaching, you still have time to make a 2011 contribution to an IRA. While you might choose to contribute to a Roth IRA because of the future tax savings available, a contribution to a traditional IRA may...
Available now: Vehicle depreciation deductions for 2012
In a new revenue procedure, the IRS has issued the annual tables for the depreciation deductions available to owners of passenger automobiles, trucks and vans first placed in service during calendar year 2012. For passenger automobiles, the...
Taxpayer can deduct worthless stock – if he can live long enough
A recent decision of the Tax Court demonstrates a tax risk sometimes encountered by employees of enterprises that have the potential for becoming financially unstable. This case (Patrick J. Sheedy and Karen J. Sheedy v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo...
Bright idea doesn’t apply to S corporations
Paul DiMundo set up a corporation in 2002, had all of the shares issued to a custodial Roth IRA account and had the corporation elect to be taxed as an S corporation. An S corporation is generally not subject to tax. Instead, the income of the S...
Litterers worse than tax cheats?
The message of a recent survey seems to be: Don't get caught littering. Forbes magazine reports that the Shelton Group, a green marketing firm based in Knoxville, Tenn., had 1,105 Americans complete online surveys in an effort to find out what...
Tax court judge shows creative side
Judge Robert A. Wherry, Jr., took a novel approach when outlining the facts of a recent Tax Court case involving a waitress who received a winning lottery ticket from a customer. The facts of the case (Tonda L. Dickerson v. Commissioner, TC Memo...
IRS hears ‘Actively Involved,’ thinks ‘Responsible’
A case brought before a federal district court this month once again demonstrated the perils faced by anyone who becomes involved in running a financially distressed company. The court concluded that the volunteer chairman of the board of a...
Put lottery-Ticket agreements in writing
Tonda Dickerson was one lucky waitress - at least until she got to Tax Court. One day in 1999, while Dickerson was working at a Waffle House restaurant, a regular customer gave her a lottery ticket. Unbeknownst to both the customer and Dickerson,...
Some taxpayers qualify for a ‘Fresh Start’
If you know people who might not file their returns because they don't have the money to pay the tax, the IRS may offer them some assistance. The IRS has expanded its so-called Fresh Start initiative to help financially distressed taxpayers by...
Contact APEX
For more detailed Arizona tax payment instructions or support on your taxes, please reach out to our Tax Team or call us at 623.250.6544.