Resources & Insights


Parents' involvement in their children's activities is usually good. But they shouldn't expect the IRS to consider it a legitimate part of their business. Many parents support their children by attending concerts, plays, sporting events and other...

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Litterers worse than tax cheats?

The message of a recent survey seems to be: Don't get caught littering. Forbes magazine reports that the Shelton Group, a green marketing firm based in Knoxville, Tenn., had 1,105 Americans complete online surveys in an effort to find out what...

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Tax court judge shows creative side

Judge Robert A. Wherry, Jr., took a novel approach when outlining the facts of a recent Tax Court case involving a waitress who received a winning lottery ticket from a customer. The facts of the case (Tonda L. Dickerson v. Commissioner, TC Memo...

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Contact APEX

For more detailed Arizona tax payment instructions or support on your taxes, please reach out to our Tax Team or call us at 623.250.6544.