Apex hosts its first “Apex Bucks” Silent Auction

As a way to encourage its team to contribute to the firm’s strategic initiatives, our firm rolled out its very first Company-sponsored silent auction! Team members receive Apex Bucks every time they are recognized for going above and beyond to make the firm more...

Meet Lucas VanDeWoestyne, CPA, CGMA

• Passionate about helping people achieve business and personal goals • Loves hanging with family – and cars • At Apex, he’s “the helper” • Grew up in Silvis, Ill. and married his high school sweetheart • Treasurer for the Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra    ...

Meet ERIN TRIOLO, Enterprise Division Leader

Loves making a difference for Apex clients Hello! I’m Erin. I’ve been with Apex for six years. Every day that I walk into the office, I feel like my voice matters and I can make a difference! Jim and Lucas have given me the freedom to work on special projects that...