Social media can boost business

In these challenging economic times, every company is looking for ways to gain market share and increase sales. But connecting with new customers requires more than a glossy brochure. One way is to leverage the power of social media – a new marketspace available for...

Expanding overseas? Some tax facts

Are you tired of reading about large U.S. corporations that “game” the tax system to lower or eliminate their U.S. tax bills by shifting income to so-called “tax havens” in places that sound more like vacation destinations than business opportunities? Have you...

How to develop a fair bonus program

Incentive compensation is a frequent topic for business owners. It seems so logical – pay people for what they accomplish, not just for showing up.   That may seem logical, but it isn’t as easy to practice as you might hope. Here are a few things to consider when...

Who’s likely to commit a fraud?

Employees are the life blood of an organization. While the best among them inspire trust and confidence, the worst ones can destroy a business through incompetence or willful corruption. Experts say the question employers must continuously ask themselves is whether...

How to better manage your inventory

Having the right product in the right place at the right time is the mantra of inventory management.  With too much inventory, you can suffer from obsolescence, spoilage and excessive carrying costs. With too little inventory, you can suffer from lost sales, loss...